Dance And Robotics In UCIIIM
The main aim of this workshop is putting together engineering students with dancers from the "Laboratorio de Danza" (Aula de las Artes) inside the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
There is not explicitly any robot in the workshop, but we will use technologies very related to robotics as artificial perception and control.
General information about this workshop can be found here.
MIDI Controller via XBee S2 | MIDI Controller via Bluetooth | Music Generation |
Kinect Controller | Visual Generation | |
Main Materials
- Laptop with Windows, Linux or OSX.
- Processing, for Visual Generation and Kinect Sensor.
- Arduino for programming Arduino controller.
- Puredata for sound generation.
Classes will be in 4.0D03 room at Leganés Campus.
page revision: 4, last edited: 06 Feb 2018 11:57